By Clarissa E. Plagmann
It has been five months since my husband and I were sealed in the Portland, Oregon Temple for time and all eternity, and life couldn't get much better. If you are planning on getting married, I highly recommend getting married! Especially if your significant other is as sweet as my husband!
First nice picture we ever took together, a week after our first date. |
Okay, all that aside, I got on to write about how we met, and how we went from barely knowing one another to getting married in less than six months.
Last year at this time, I had just moved back to Oregon after finishing my degree. Previous to the move, I had lived in Mexico for four months, and Utah for a brief time. In November 2016 I decided that Utah just wasn't for me and I'd be happier in Oregon, so I packed up. I spent December in Las Vegas with my family, and then moved to Oregon for good on December 29th.
I didn't attend church at the young single adult branch my first weekend in Oregon because I spent New Year's Eve with my cousins and slept in on New Year's Day.
One of my favorite engagement photos, taken by my best friend (and Maid of Honor). |
Fast forward to the end of January 2017. I must have noticed Preston at least once or twice, because I sent him a friend request on Facebook. But, it wasn't until the middle of March that we actually talked for the first time. I thought he was cute, and decided to message him. It all started from that simple conversation.
He asked me on a date to see Beauty and the Beast in theater with him on March 25th. I still wasn't sure about whether or not I wanted to continue dating him after that first date, but I decided to wait and see what happened next. The next day in church, he asked to sit next to me in sacrament meeting. That got everyone in the branch talking about whether or not we were dating. On Monday, at FHE, we started out as partners in Bunco, but then he ended up at the top table for several rounds so we didn't see each other much. At some point, I mentioned that I love tacos so we ended up making authentic tacos for dinner at his place on Tuesday, and that's when we made our relationship official.
Preston and I at the temple following our sealing. |
At this point, we hadn't kissed yet, because I was fighting off a cold and I didn't want to get him sick. I left for Disneyland that Saturday and was gone for a week. When I came back, we kissed. It all went down in history from there!
We were engaged on May 5th, 2017, and the following day we told my parents and his mom. We held off posting on facebook until we had been able to share the news with people personally. I may have gone a little overboard and told a bunch of people I didn't really need to tell, but I was excited!
We spent the summer planning our wedding. (You better believe I tried convincing him to elope with me! But don't worry, he didn't fall for it!) And we were married for time and all eternity on August 12th, 2017 in the Portland Oregon Temple.
Life is pretty close to perfect every single day with my husband, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Preston and I with my parents outside the temple following our sealing. |
Preston and I with his parents and brother outside the temple following our sealing. |
Everyone who was able to make it to the temple the day we were sealed. |
Our wedding rings |
The cake my sweet and loving husband made two days before the wedding. |
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