My Infinity War Epiphany

We are waging a never ending war. A war for our very existence, for the lives we lead, for our spirituality. Have you ever wondered why a part of you starts singing whenever you watch a scene where the main characters are yelling their war cries and running toward the battle? Or when you read your favorite book in which your favorite character begins a speech about why he or she fights, and a part of you wants to cry along with everyone else, in solidarity, because you believe in the cause and you want to fight?

What if the reason these scenes of characters running to fight the good fight give you these feelings because we are constantly at war ourselves? What if it's because we need that daily reminder that what we are fighting for is greater than whatever we have here on earth?

I'm here to say, that it is. That every day we wake up and each decision we make either leads us closer to, or farther from our Father in Heaven. Or from our divine destiny, cosmic calling, whatever you want to call it. Each day we are fighting for something that is more than who we are right now at this exact moment.

Each morning as we get up we are faced with the choice to either arm ourselves for the fight, or not. We can either give in to that little voice within us telling us we aren’t good enough, and stick with what’s comfortable and easy, or we can stand up and realize that we are good enough to fulfill the calling God has given us and fight to achieve it. We get to choose how and when we arm ourselves. Our passions will guide us to our divine callings, if we’ll only put in the work and hone our skill as warriors of God. A warrior’s work is never done, and neither is his or her training. Our adversary wishes to tear us down before we can play the part we are meant to play in the fight. Don’t let him do that! Fight!

Ignore that little voice saying it’s only one little prayer, or it’s only five minutes of scripture study, or only one Sunday. You can miss it just this once. Because that one time can lead to another, and another, until you are slipping down the slope.

But even if you are slipping, don’t give up! You are God’s warrior. You can fight. You can scramble up the steep slope, find your sword and your shield, and you can fight!

So, fight for that divine right within you. Fight for the good of mankind, and for everyone you see that can't find for themselves. Fight for your families. And fight to become the best version of yourself, each and every day.

Don't give up, not for anything. Even when you lose the battle today, remember that you have another one tomorrow or next week or next month or next year, and you will do better then. Because every time you fail, you learn, and when you learn you grow, which is exactly what the adversary doesn't want. He doesn't want you to succeed. He doesn't want you to grow. He doesn't want you to realize your divine destiny.

Sound the war cry, and fight till your very last breath.

Just fight.


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